Wednesday, January 17, 2018

January 15-17, 2018

January 15-17, 2018

Any chance of this being a weekly blog effort has been annihilated by the flow of news these last few weeks.  Who needs sleep?


Net Neutrality

Nothing has officially changed since the last mention of Net Neutrality, except that where before it was assumed that there were 50 votes supporting the Senate bill with Sen Collins (R - ME) defecting, the Democrats have now confirmed that they are a single vote away from passing the bill.  Again, it is extremely unlikely to pass the House or to be signed into law by Trump, but it's going to be a powerful political tool in the mid-terms.

Staff Turnover

I don't think it's a stretch to say that high staff turnover is a sign of a troubled, unsuccessful administration (or business, for that matter).  And this administration is breaking records.  They just can't stop winning!

The Trump Administration has seen 36% turnover of top-level staff members during their first year in office.  This is compared to 9% for Obama, 6% for George W. Bush, and 11% for Clinton.  You have to go back to Reagan to reach even a 17% turnover.  Trump hires the best people.  Top men.


Whenever you see the acronym DACA from now on, I want you to think DACA DACA DACA and hear the Pac-Man sound in your head.  It should eat into your brain like wormses, just like it does mine.  You can imagine that Jeff Sessions is Pac-Man and each of the energy pellets is a child with large, sorrowful eyes being deported.  There are no ghosts (9th Circuit Appellate judges) in this metaphor because the DOJ has asked the Supreme Court to allow the administration to dismantle the program.

Phil Murphy

Phil Murphy has been sworn in as the governor of New Jersey and it's a bigger deal than many may be aware.  As there is a democratic majority in the state legislature, Murphy has a rare opportunity to push a progressive agenda in an influential state.
"To my partners in the Legislature: I ask you to send me the bills, among others, to reaffirm our support for women's health and Planned Parenthood; to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour; to promote equal pay for women; to give every worker the peace of mind of earned sick leave; to tear down barriers to voting; and, to strengthen our gun laws," Murphy said.
Murphy also vowed to legalize marijuana in the state.  I suspect we'll be hearing his name a lot in the next few years.

The Shutdown

Things are not looking good for last minute efforts to prevent a government shutdown.  Republican congressmen emerged from a private meeting late last night without the votes needed to pass a bill.

The holdouts seem to be members of the far-right House Freedom Caucus.  The democrats are refusing to play ball without a DACA agreement, which took a big step backwards this week.

Fake News

I had a very dismaying conversation with a friend recently, who seemed to believe that all news was 'fake news' from one point of view or another.  I had to press hard to elicit an admission that there are objective facts in news stories.

A recent survey from the Gallup-Knight Foundation found that 42% of Republicans (compared to 17% of Democrats) consider accurate news stories that cast a politician or political group in a negative light to always be "fake news."

This is perhaps the most dangerous trend in modern thinking.  The adage that one is entitled to their own opinions, but not to their own facts seems to be losing traction in this hyper-partisan, binary age of false dichotomies.  Any fact that violates your ideological world view can be rejected as fake.  And then you can crawl back into the warm cocoon of the Facebook echo chamber to be told that you're right about everything.


Sex, Lies, and Marshmallows

Finally, I feel like I can deliver the kind of science news story that will make you want to read this blog no matter how much you hate the political content.

Scientists taught seven capuchin monkeys to use currency.  The results are fucking awesome.

Shit Trump Says

Black Approval
Uh, nope.

Shithole Shitstorm

In what should be a surprise to absolutely no-one, the rationalization that several Republican are using to deny that Trump described several foreign countries as shitholes, is that they heard him say 'shithouse' instead.  Therefore, they can honestly go to the media and deny that Trump ever said the word 'shithole.'  This is the world we live in.

Red Dawn

The Russia news this week is all about Bannon.  And it's been pretty exciting.


On Tuesday, Bannon met with the House Intelligence Committee behind closed doors for a hearing.  The first news that trickles out was that Bannon refused to answer many of their questions.  Bannon was subpoenaed on the spot by the Committee, but he continued to refuse to answer questions.

Soon, it was revealed that he had been directed by the White House not to answer certain questions.  Finally, this morning, we learn that Bannon's attorney was in contact with the White House during the hearing, receiving instructions in real time regarding whether he could answer any given question.

Mueller Time

Unrelated to the HIC hearing and their subsequent subpoena, the news broke just before that hearing that Bannon has been subpoenaed by a grand jury in the Mueller investigation

When testifying before a grand jury, witnesses are not allowed to have their attorney present in the room.  The attorney can be outside and consulted, but not in the room as part of the interview process.  They are also not immediately entitled to a transcript of the interview. 

Regardless, it has just been announced that Bannon has agreed to an informal interview, so perhaps the grand jury subpoena was simply a matter of leverage.  It is noteworthy that Bannon shares an attorney with former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and White House Council Don McGahn.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

January 12-14, 2018

January 12-14, 2018

Now with 200% more science!



In another example of how policy should be informed by evidence, we have a study showing that legalized marijuana coincided with a 13% average reduction in violent crimes along border states.

So Long, Hawaii

While President Trump enjoyed his 77th round of golf since being sworn in, 1.5 million Americans were collectively shitting themselves after a mobile alert informed them of an incoming ballistic missile and advised them to seek immediate shelter.

38 minutes passed before a follow-up alert was released clarifying that the previous alert was a false alarm.  This is, incidentally, slightly longer than the estimated time it would take for an ICBM to reach Hawaii from North Korea.

Luckily, Trump finished his round of golf.  As Taylor Funk has noted, the president does not take phone calls while he plays.


Citizen Science

The concept of citizen science, basically crowd-sourcing research by allowing amateurs to participate in tasks that humans perform better than computers, has been around a while, but it doesn't get a lot of headlines.  Until now!  A multi-exoplanet star system has been discovered by contributors to the Exoplanet Explorers project.

For more information or to join, click here.


I've got good news!  A second season of Cosmos, starring Neil deGrasse Tyson, has been confirmed.  Be on the lookout in spring 2019.

Turtle Sex

I've got bad news!  Pacific green sea turtles are having a rough time of it.  Unlike humans, whose sex is determined by the quality of mustache porn our parents watched in the seventies, the sex of Pacific green seat turtles is determined wholly by the temperature of the sand in which they incubate.  Unfortunately, even though climate change is a hoax made up by the Chinese and Al Gore, the temperature of the world's largest green sea turtle rookery has increased sufficiently that recently hatched female sea turtles outnumber the males by a ratio of 116 to 1.

By comparison, for turtles hatched at the smaller southern reef where temperatures have not risen so drastically, the ratio is 2 to 1.

We know that life, uh, finds a way, but adaptation to changing environments takes time.  And while our ecology and climate has forever been changing, it has never changed at such a dramatic rate.

[Editor's note:  It has, and there was mass extinction.]

Shit Trump Says

Faux News

In a quick followup to the article I recently linked involving Trump live-tweeting Fox & Friends, here is a Vanity Fair piece detailing the feedback loop between Trump and Fox News.  It really is terrifying the degree to which they are guiding our policy.

Weasel News: Confirming your prejudices.

Shithole Shitstorm

It all started innocently enough.  During a bipartisan meeting with the president to discuss DACA, Trump allegedly referred to Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries as "shithole countries."

According to reports, Sen. Graham (R - SC) immediately confronted Trump regarding the remark.

The White House did not immediately deny the allegation, instead taking the offensive.
“Certain Washington politicians choose to fight for foreign countries, but President Trump will always fight for the American people,” White House spokesman Raj Shah said in a statement.
By the next morning, however, Trump took to twitter to deny he ever said those words.
Sen. Dick Durbin (D - IL), who was present, confirmed the reports to the press.  Senators Tom Cotton (R - AR) and David Perdue (R - GA) were struck by amnesia and could not recall the president's words.

The US Ambassador to Panama has resigned, declaring that he can no longer serve the Trump Administration.

Good Relationship

Hot on the heels of that shitstorm, the failing liberal Wall Street Journal released an interview they conducted with Trump on Thursday in which he claimed, “I probably have a very good relationship with Kim Jong Un.  I have relationships with people. I think you people are surprised.”

Predictably, Trump went to Twitter to call them liars.

The WSJ, which had previously stood by their reporting, proceeded to release the audio.  For your listening pleasure:

Kim! Jong! Un!

Our liar-in-chief just can't help himself.

Red Dawn

A relatively quiet few days in the Russia investigation, which would not be uncommon, as Mueller's team never says anything ever to anyone.  Clearly, Trump and his team were too busy performing acts of foreign diplomacy to obstruct justice this weekend.  Give them a few days.

Hacking Hacking Hacking

Cybersecurity firm Trend Micro has found evidence that Russian Hackers targeted the US Senate in mid-2017.  Apparently, they used the same techniques in an attempt to steal emails from French President Macron's party last year.  Good thing all of our congressman are far too technically savvy to fall for simple phishing tricks.  The internet is a series of tubes, you know.

More Interviews

Steve Bannon and Corey Lewandowski will be meeting with the House Intelligence Committee behind closed doors this week.  Lewandowski is extraordinarily loyal, but with all the drama between Trump and Bannon these last few days, there's a possibility of some fireworks.  Sadly, we won't get to tune in on CSPAN, but as the House leaks like a sieve, we'll likely hear about anything significant within a few days.